These are some of my favorite projects over the years.
This site
Fyssion/calebhamilton.org2023 – present
This website was created as a markdown blogging engine in Rust. It includes a client compiled to WebAssembly and an API server. To build it, I used fine-grained reactivity and SSR to create a fast, robust full-stack web app.
I also used this project to learn how to use Docker. I wrote a Dockerfile, which is automatically built with GitHub Actions whenever I push to the remote.
See my blog post for more info on how I created it.
Fyssion/zupplin2021 – 2023
Zupplin was a toy chat server I made for fun. It was a fully-featured chat platform complete with profiles, group chats, friends, and more. I created a lightweight front-end with React, Redux, JavaScript/TypeScript, and HTML/CSS to interact with the back-end infrastructure I built and deployed using Python, Tornado, Docker, PostgreSQL, and other technologies.
I also used this project to learn how to automate CI/CD using GitHub Actions. I wrote workflows to triage issues and PRs, lint the codebase, and build the front-end.
Fyssion/Clam2019 – 2022
Clam was a Discord bot written in Python that interacted with the Discord API. It was originally created as a fun, simple testing bot that I used to experiment with new programming concepts and learn different technologies. Clam ended up being used by my friends for music, a starboard, moderation, and more.
While writing Clam, I learned how to use PostgreSQL and asyncpg. I also learned web scraping and how to interact with a variety of REST APIs to provide extra functionality.